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this game was super fun to play! loved the whole idea and concept of the game!! really awesome job on creating this :D

The constant balance between getting people to follow you and to use the collected power to break borders was a fantastic approach to the theme of the ResistJam. Each new passage for a challenge for itself, but it felt pretty rewarding to progress. :) Thank you very much for your game! I wrote an article about it and also uploaded a little playthrough video in the hope that more people might give it a try. <3 Looking forward for your future projects!

Best wishes,

It was difficult, and I almost put it down at the beginning, but once I got into the swing of it I really enjoyed it. The moment where I almost yelled "oh my god why am I spending so much effort just trying to convince this ONE FUCKING GUY to do ONE FUCKING THING" was the one I realized, despite the abstraction of an appeal into a rhythm game, this was actually a really true to life depiction.

Great idea for a game. The controls really need tweaking. Cannot progress in the game as the balance is too finicky. I'm playing this on Linux Mint 18.1

Deleted post

Also had a very hard time with the convincing mini game, but I love the idea and the presentation here.

Great game, well done. I also watched it on gamejamcurator (, thanks andyman404). I'm on Linux, so would appreciate either a port or a web version. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for the kind words I ran a build for Linux but cannot test it. Would you like to try it out?

(1 edit)

Hi, I've tried it. On my laptop (Intel® Core™ i5-3337U with 4GB RAM) with 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04 both the 32-bit and the 64-bit versions start. However, it's quite slow and jumpy, so I found it very difficult to persuade people at all.

I really like the game value of this. Wish there wasn't delay. Solidarity!

Great concept, but I find the fail conditions in the beginning a bit too frustrating.

Thanks for checking it out! I totally agree with you. I'm gonna tweak the balance tonight. One note, breaking a barrier increases the wall strength, so it's better to fight off the wall before busting through. Give you a little breathing room to build up a larger resistance.

Great, I will certainly try it again, really like the game otherwise.

Great game! I couldn't beat it though - I had to watch the video from gamejamcurator to see the awesome ending.

Thank you! I'm gonna tone it down a bit, I balanced it after playing it a lot in development, so it's not exactly tuned for first play throughs.